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Vanilla icecream

effort: 😫    reward:😋😋

source: personal recipe (see below)


You're probably thinking, 'Why would I bother to make vanilla icecream? That's so boring.' BUT vanilla icecream is useful to serve on the side with puddings.

You're probably also thinking, 'Okay, but I can just buy vanilla icecream'. BUT it takes literally two seconds to make and this tastes way better than the vanilla icecream you buy in stores AND it's way cheaper.

So go on and try making your own vanilla icecream just once, you won't be disappointed.



Note - I actually usually make this with 2 packets of this German Dr Oetker Bourbon-Vanille Aroma so that's why I'm guessing a bit with the quantitites for the vanilla bean paste/vanilla extract. Assuming you don't live in Germany and can't get Dr Oetker, just smell and taste test after you add the vanilla to check that it's vanilla-y enough for you (same with the rum).


  1. In a medium bowl, combine the condensed milk, vanilla, and rum.
  2. In a separate, large bowl whip the cream into stiff peaks.
  3. GENTLY fold the condensed milk mixture into the cream, trying not to destroy it's fluffiness.
  4. Pour it into a container and freeze for maybe 6 hours
  5.      THAT'S HOW EASY IT IS!